Papers |
Published |
Zahrer, Alexander, Andrej Zgank, and Barbara Schuppler. 2020. Towards Building an Automatic Transcription System for Language Documentation: Experiences from Muyu. In: Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2893-2900. |
Schuppler, B., Hagmüller M., & Zahrer A., 2017. A corpus of read and conversational Austrian German. In: Speech Communication 94.C, 62-74. |
Upcoming |
Zahrer, Alexander. (in press) Explorating natural speech intonation of an under-researched Papuan language. [To be published in Proceedings of Speech \& Prosody 2024. Leiden.] |
Zahrer, Alexander. (in preparation) Verbal Number in Muyu. [Accepted by Studies in Language, July 2024] |
Zahrer, Alexander. Minimal Markers in Serial Verb Constructions. [yet unpublished manuscript] |
Dissertation |
Title: |
NOTE!!! |
Abstract |
Presentations (upcoming) |
Zahrer, Alexander. (upcoming, 2024). Habitual auxiliary constructions in the Papuan language Muyu. (Presentation workshop Colloque Habituals and habitual auxiliaries, Paris) |
Presentations |
Zahrer, Alexander. 2024. Exploring natural speech intonation of an under-researched Papuan language. (Poster presentation Speech Prosody 2024, Leiden) [download presentation] |
Zahrer, Alexander. 2024. Noun phrases in Trans New Guinea languages. (Presentation APLL16, Amsterdam) [download presentation] |
Zahrer, Alexander. 2024. Zwei Arten von Demonstrativa in Muyu. (Presentation Vielfaltslinguistik 6, Graz) [download presentation] |
Zahrer, Alexander. 2023. From clause conjoining to clause chaining. Evidence from Muyu. (Presentation APLL15, Olomouc) |
Zahrer, Alexander. 2022. Combining verbal number in Muyu. (Presentation APLL14, Berlin) [download presentation] |
Zahrer, Alexander. 2021. Bridging constructions in Muyu narratives. (Presentation APLL13, Edinburgh [online]) |
Zahrer, Alexander. 2020. Chaining Clauses, Serializing Verbs? Ambiguities in the Status of Non-Finite Verbs in Muyu. (Presentation SLE2020 [online]) |
Zahrer, Alexander. 2019. Muyu Grammar Sketch. A lowland Ok language of New Guinea. (Presentation WLP5 Manokwari) |
Zahrer, Alexander, Petra Hödl & Dina El Zarka, 2017. Pitch accent types, question types and attitudes. A perceptual study of Austrian German. (Poster auf der Tagung "PundP13: Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum, 28.-29.9.2017, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) |
Zahrer, A., 2017. Zur Sprache kommen. Funktionsverbgefüge als Teil der Alltäglichen Wissenschaftssprache. (Vortrag auf der Tagung "Wissenschaftlich schreiben lernen. Diagnose und Förderung wissenschaftlicher Textkompetenz", 26.2.2016, Universität Graz) |