Current projects:

  • Ngalum, an Ok language of the central highlands. (since 2022)

    Ngalum is an underresourced language from the Ok family. It classification within Ok is unclear yet: it is either subsumed in the Lowland Ok subbranch or even forming its own subbranch on a par wich Lowland Ok and Mountain Ok. Since 2022, I am collecting material (audio-visual recordings, vocabulary, elicited sentences) together with a handful of speakers

  • Nemaya, an Ok variety of the central foothills. (since 2022)

    Nemaya is very small Ok variety spoken in only three villages at the foothills in the border area between the regencies Boven Digoel and Star Mountains. Linguistically this is the area between the Ok languages Ngalum and Muyu. Nemaya has not been previously mentioned in the literature and it was only at an excursion in 2022 when I first heard about it. I am currently collecting material on this variety mainly to find out, whether it should be treated as a dialect of Ngalum or a separate Ok language altogether.

Finished projects:

  • Documentation of Muyu, a Lowland Ok language of Western New Guinea. (2018-2023)

    From 2018 to 2023, I was documenting the Muyu language in South Papua province, Indonesia. Muyu is a Lowland Ok language (TNG phylum) that is severly endangered. This research resulted in my PhD thesis: A Grammar of Muyu, which was defended on 23. June 2023.

    My grammar of Muyu can be downloaded here.

    Resources were archived in ELAR and are found here.

Laptop work
Upyetetko house
Sugar cane
Tools garden